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Another landmark project offered by PT. Lamicitra Nusantara, Tbk. to Surabaya city government for making a city icon and as part as a solution to the current traffic problem occurred is the introduction of Mega Darmo Project. The project is intended to build by Lamicitra with the aim of providing a representative and proper road access between southern and eastern part of Surabaya to western part of Surabaya.

Inside the total area for development of 500.513 m2, destined for superblock development consisting mall, offices, apartments and hotels. The project intends to commence in 2010.

Jembatan Merah Plaza 1
JMP 1 which located in the northern region of Surabaya city, built in the year 1993 and operated in the year 1994.
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Jembatan Merah Plaza 2
JMP 2 is the extension building of JMP 1. It was build in 2002 and operated at the end of 2003.
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Ruko Jembatan Merah
A mixed use (shop and office) commercial estate development inside the Jembatan Merah Plaza complex.
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Tunjungan Electronic Centre
Tunjungan Electronic Center (TEC) is an ELectronic and IT (ELIT) center located in Tunjungan street, Surabaya.
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Pusat Grosir Surabaya
Located across the legendary wholesale center in Surabaya city that serve the regional eastern part of Indonesia.
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Tanjung Emas Export Processing Zone - Semarang
To anticipate globalization trend and world industrialization, PT. Lamicitra Nusantara, Tbk.
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Darmo Hill Luxury Real Estate
Darmo Hill is located in strategic and premium location in Darmo Area.
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Tunjungan Hotel
The four stars hotel is located in a strategic area, in the center of Surabaya city.
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Jembatan Merah Plaza 3
The fact of high occupancy rate of the previous JMP 1 and JMP 2.
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Surabaya Design Centre
A new and breaking through development concept that will be introduced by PT. Lamicitra Nusantara Tbk.
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Mega Darmo
Another landmark project offered by PT. Lamicitra Nusantara Tbk.
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Madura Industrial Seaport City
PT. Lamicitra Nusantara, Tbk. through its subsidiary PT. MISI
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Darmo Hill Apartment
As the life style of Surabaya city's society is improving in accordance with the global trend.
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Wira Tangguh Container Yard
PT. Wira Tangguh Dharma Citra as subsidiary of PT. Lamicitra Nusantara, Tbk.
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